Intro Tried running dmd against my repos in GitHub, using the cookbook here Running on WSL 2 main() I have a new WSL instance so installed Node.js Need GitHub token, I went with Classic - Public_repo Tried with GitHub finegrained, I went with Read access to code and metadata Got this error initialising the DB, but believe this to be due to no table in existence at the time of initialisation...
Raspberry Pi Kubernetes Cluster
intro Task setup Raspberry Pi 4 with Kubernetes so I can test out Service Mesh. Cast around for a guide that worked well for me, found this from Vladimir Cicovic. Reproduced steps here for my reference, added anything specific to my use case. main() Setup control plane and worker nodes apt update apt upgrade hostnamectl set-hostname k8s-master-skynet hostnamectl set-hostname k8s-worker-01 hostnamectl set-hostname k8s-worker-02 sudo -i cat <<EOF>> /etc/hosts k8s-master-skynet 192....
2023 10 24
Intro Decided to familiarise myself with Protocol Buffers (protobuf) and gRPC. main() client server contract between client and server in proto file proto file source for generating client and server stubs portable client invokes functions i.e. service-oriented design faster than JSON Protocol Buffers compressed but not readable tight coupling built code generation bidirectional Hi-Perf, Hi-data, Real-time HTTP 2 go is experimental on Azure App Service 1.19 onwards testable through Postman Outro Learned more about the proto file and Full import Path (including Github....
Hugo Netlify
Intro On the theme of delivering VALUE I went with Netlify in the end and spent far too little time on my MVP for my liking. Steps Create new project, private, git, Agile. Setup Netlify deploy off main branch Custom domain via my registrar’s dns control panel HTTPS automatically through letsencrypt (I let Netlify handle this task for me out of generocity). Outro Easy to setup Quick and useful MVP Notes fix submodule issue due to submodule not being referenced in ....
2023 10 22
Intro After attending Techmids I decided to revisit setting up my own blog, because at the end of the day its documentation. Doing it at work then thinking over how to improve is a daily part of our craft. This thought was due to a talk by Jamie Tanna on his Open Source project Dependency Management Data. Which tangentially led me to his blog and the indieweb movement of taking back control of your content....
Tech Mids
Intro Attended Tech Mids today met Julian and Colin. I watched the following conference talks Thinking about inclusion with Molly Quantifying your reliance on Open Source Software Rethinking Content Modelling for Unforgettable User Experiences Fantastic SDKs, and how to build them Essential Insights into API-first Tooling Junior Developer to CTO - battle-hardened principles to live by In an API is published and not one is told, does it have value? In an API is published and not one is told, does it have value?...