(This is a now page, and if you have your own site, (you should make one)[], too.)
My inspiration for this site comes from Jamie Tanna
What am I up to right now?
- Working at Cloudreach (an Eviden business) as a Cloud Systems Developer, working for one of the Professional Services clients on GitOps / Container Image Scanning
- Working through various Golang tutorials
- Experimenting with ChatGPT, Llamaindex and Langchain
- Working through GCP curriculum for my Associate Cloud Engineer
- Committing to blog posting as I learn something new
My Technologies
- Primary Public Cloud - Azure
- Other Public Cloud - AWS, GCP
- CI/CD - Azure DevOps, GitLab
- Programming/Scripting - Python | Golang | Bash | Powershell
- Containers, Kubernetes, Security - Kubernetes | Azure Kubernetes
Currently Reading
- Google Cloud Associate Cloud Engineer Certification and Implementation Guide By Agnieszka Koziorowska , Wojciech Marusiak, September 2023.
- Container Security by Liz Rice, 17 April 2020.
As things develop I’ll add output here