
After attending Techmids I decided to revisit setting up my own blog, because at the end of the day its documentation. Doing it at work then thinking over how to improve is a daily part of our craft.

This thought was due to a talk by Jamie Tanna on his Open Source project Dependency Management Data. Which tangentially led me to his blog and the indieweb movement of taking back control of your content.

To this end the question of how should I host this, there are multiple options and I’m thinking of this - why not try each method?


I’m planning to use hugo for the site itself at the moment, so static web hosting is the way for me.

Initial Requirements

  • Static site generator
  • Needs something capable of hosting a static site
    There are a multitude of variations, so I’ll work through each one in turn (over a series of posts, don’t worry).
  • Deploy via CI/CD.
  • Adding a Custom Domain
  • Terraform to create Azure Resources


  • settled on Hugo since I’d used it before
  • I’d be looking to GitLab, since I’ve been using that over that last couple of years. Or it may be Azure DevOps previously for 3 years
  • Looks like AWS S3, Azure Storage Accounts, Google Cloud Storage (GCS). Other options appear to be Netlify, Cloud flare pages. Lastly plain old Raspberry pi, kubernetes, containers etc. Initially I’m thinking of using an Azure Storage Account for static hosting
  • Terraform, or ARM. I’m thinking ARM.


In the end I settled on Netlify, since the other options on the face of it were longer to execute on and lend themselves to procrastination, get in the way of the ultimate outcome which is to START delivering VALUE.