
Intro (This is a now page, and if you have your own site, (you should make one)[], too.) My inspiration for this site comes from Jamie Tanna main() What am I up to right now? Working at Cloudreach (an Eviden business) as a Cloud Systems Developer, working for one of the Professional Services clients on GitOps / Container Image Scanning Working through various Golang tutorials Experimenting with ChatGPT, Llamaindex and Langchain Working through GCP curriculum for my Associate Cloud Engineer Committing to blog posting as I learn something new My Technologies...

October 22, 2023

2023 10 22

Intro After attending Techmids I decided to revisit setting up my own blog, because at the end of the day its documentation. Doing it at work then thinking over how to improve is a daily part of our craft. This thought was due to a talk by Jamie Tanna on his Open Source project Dependency Management Data. Which tangentially led me to his blog and the indieweb movement of taking back control of your content....

October 22, 2023

Tech Mids

Intro Attended Tech Mids today met Julian and Colin. I watched the following conference talks Thinking about inclusion with Molly Quantifying your reliance on Open Source Software Rethinking Content Modelling for Unforgettable User Experiences Fantastic SDKs, and how to build them Essential Insights into API-first Tooling Junior Developer to CTO - battle-hardened principles to live by In an API is published and not one is told, does it have value? In an API is published and not one is told, does it have value?...

October 20, 2023